Tuesday, November 6, 2007

Jogja Quake

Again in Asia Pacific ... Earthquake! Kolaka in Sulawesi with 5,2 SR on Wednesday - 27th December, Yogya with 3 SR (three times) on Thursday - 28th December and Papua New Guenea got earth quake in 4,9 SR on Friday - 29th December 2006. They said there will be no more Tsunami. Oh, my husband and I have just finished the Tsunami documenter, in Deutsch version. Tragic! Life oh life!

Sedih sekali, Indonesia kena Tsunami. Mulai Sulawesi, Jawa sampai Papua. Suami dan saya baru saja menonton dokumenter bencana Tsunami dalam bahasa Jerman. Berdoa dari jauh, untuk para korban.

Cemetry There

Friday December 29, 2006 - 10:28pm (CET) Edit | Delete | Permanent Link | 0 Comments


Menopause (Meno) sounds scary ya? When will be mine? What could be happened? Am I ready for this? Now, I consume much cheese and milk. Anyway, I found the article in Kompas (red: Nova) just for my better knowledge.

1. It's not totally right that most of women got Meno in 50's. Most of them got it in 51 or 52 years but women (one another) will get Meno differently. For example A got it in her 30's meanwhile her mother got it in 50's and the aunty got it in 60's.

2. Women will get Meno syndrom (even in the period) few years before the last period. The period could be different than it used to be (longer or shorter) because of the hormon. Women still have a chance to be pregnant.

3. Before the Meno, it’s a big possibility to have hot flash even not all women get it. Approximately 80 – 85% women got it in pre or pasca Meno. To minimize the Hot flash; don’t drink alcohol and no spicy food. In another side estrogen therapy with doctor’s advice could be another choice.

4. Irregular period is commonly happened in pra Meno but not normal in pasca’s. See a doctor is the best way for this phase.

5. Women will get osteoporosis pasca Meno. Do right exercise is the tip to keep the bone strong. Second, consume a lot of calcium and vitamin D in food and drink.

6. Pipi problem in pasca Meno is also annoying. Estrogen is lower then many times should go to toilet even not really much out, pipi on pants,pipi in the middle of the night, pipi when laughing, sneezing or carrying heavy things, pipi when having sex or feel pain when pipi.

7. Most of women get Meno in 50’s and need longer time to be sexually flirted. In this phase, skins around vagina is thinner and dried thus can caused pain and uncomfortable feeling when having sex. One to another woman are different to face this phase. Some women enjoy sex with partner without afraid to be pregnant pasca Meno.

8. Some women will get problem to sleep in pra and pasca Meno. This will be worst to the closest phase of Meno. The example of the problems are; hard to sleep, too deep sleep,sleep again after woke up in the middle of the night or wake up too early.

9. The syndrom from sudden Meno will be worst. The sudden Meno can be happened from operation or cancer treatment. More care is needed here.

10. Meno is a natural process. Some women can handle the syndrome without medicine while others need a help from doctor.

Menopouse, setiap perempuan akan mengalaminya. Ternyata setiap orang memiliki pengalaman yang berbeda-beda.  Banyak sebab dan faktor yang mempengaruhinya. Tentunya selain makanan dan minuman juga gaya hidup. Bye-bye stress.

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Friday December 29, 2006 - 10:05pm (CET) Edit | Delete | Permanent Link | 0 Comments

Friday December 29, 2006 - 02:37pm (CET) Edit | Delete | Permanent Link | 0 Comments

Cemetry here and there
It was my wish from my sweet husband to visit cemetry from his family. He said he had a feeling to do so. It's not really common for his community but ours; yes! So, why not ... just be in his side.
First, his sentence was ..."No radio for today" and I was just giggling like a cockroach. Hi hi ...
It was so cold (minus 1), Chayenne cried a lot when we started to visit his cousin Ralf. He was burried together with his Papa. It was a big tragedy loosing him in this earth ... not that way ... a-a.
In my community, we believe when baby cried in the grave means s/he sees the spirit or scared with the atmosphere; sorrow!
I held her tight and she was fine. This little crunchy girl looked at Papa and brother who lightened the candle.
We went around to see Uhr Oma Maria Stegmann from Opa's and Uhr Oma Elizabeth Mattes. O - o ... she started to cried much more ... I held her again from the trolley. Cup cup ...
Above this all ... I could see how the grave management here is so nice and disciplin. In my country, we have to jump and look step by step when visiting.
They are not really taken care. One goes to North and other to other directions. That's not really beautiful and messy.But what can I do? Even the small path to go from one grave to another grave already occupied. My God!
In Germany, we have 20 or 25 years contract with few thousands Euro. When finished the dust or the bones should have a farewell party and the place welcomes any dead man.
In Indonesia, I guess we have the same with the payment system and contract things but somehow I am afraid of the corruption.
What else? I am afraid to die in Germany. I had an experience to stand up in such temperature in the funeral of one of our relative. Not so many people and sooo hard. I will not see hundreds people coming in my grave to say good bye for the last time.
Then my husband said; "Please put wood not stone in my grave then I will feel warmer ..." Sniff sniff ...
I will not see the tradition for my community's funeral. With the shower (full of jasmine and roses), with the one sheet white cloth, with the only one wood and the roll soil (together with the prayer) ...
Only God knows why and how it will be ...

Oh yee, I found in the newspaper that we have the broker or agent for exclusive cemetry. We can say, it might be a good business in Indonesia (especially for rich people who are willing to really rest in peace and luxurious). Mount Carmel have the exhibition in Mall Ciputra at 29th December to 9th January. They explore the 100 ha grave in Kawengen and Mluweh village, Ungaran in Semarang regency. It's like Beverly Hills with a beautiful panorama, inovative design, law right, 24 hours security, krematorium and dust house, 24 hours marketing service, 1700 lot space and many more. But of course it's like the proverb in Indonesia; "ada uang ada barang" (if you have many you get things you want". For common people in Indonesia the prices are crazily hang the pocket. For single costs Rp 8.000.000, double grave Rp 16.000.0000, double delux Rp 21.000.000, double special Rp 42.000.000, family Rp 95.000.000 and super family Rp 375.000.000. The difference is only the size of the grave. For example Royal family will have 24x36 meter square. This will load 18 people in. The marketing target itself are investor (for investment), relocation (moving from another grave) and on the day's request. It's a fantastic rate that 50 lot already booked and will start to burry dead people in March 2007.

Berkunjung ke makam Jerman dan Indonesia, jadi tahu bedanya. Makam di Jerman lebih rapi. Kontraknya 20 tahunan. Mau dibakar atau dikubur (kubur tunggal atau bersama keluarga), harganya beda. Bagaimana di Indonesia. Kalau TPU di daerah tempat tinggal orang tua, banyak yang tidak terawat, terkesan angker. Coba bandingkan dengan TPU Belanda di Kalibanteng yang bersih dan rapi. Ini contoh yang kami lihat di Jerman, super rapi dan indah. Ada bunga, bebatuan dan nisan yang cantik.

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Friday December 29, 2006 - 02:30pm (CET) Edit | Delete | Permanent Link | 1 Comment


My husband was so lovely. He cooked Bakso (typical Indonesian soup with round meat and noodle). My question was, "What meat is it?" Ohhh ... a little bit tiring since no guaranty here :)
From the mince meat, he made a roll with his big hand and put some sup from the Goose meat and Indonesian instant noodle in. Hmmm yammy.
In my country I can eat everywhere in 'warung' with only Rp 3.500 or 0.30 Euro. Oh oh ... Bakso Marem in front of the Mosque, Bakso behind Matahari next to Pak Kawit or the Bakso Pak Kumis in Matahari department store. Lekker!
So, I'm lucky he likes to cook for me as his kindness which will not be happened manytimes to Indonesian couple in my country. Wife must cook! She has to be the friend of the kitchen. That's our tradition or centuries. No matter how high your education is, how beautiful you are, how independent you are, how sexy you are ... in our community we call women should be with 3 M; Manak (have kids), Macak (dress up), masak (cook)! Hey, it's no big deal ... I'm in pleasure to do that.

Bakso adalah makanan kesukaan saya dan sebagian besar orang Indonesia. Itulah sebabnya, suami saya senang membuatnya di rumah untuk saya. Saya biasa menganjurkannya memakai daging giling sapi, dicampur kanji dan air es. Daging harus halus sekali. Bumbunya bawang merah, bawang putih, merica dan garam.

Wedding In Germany

I found the cards given in our wedding day in Germany. Before I throw it away to rubbish bin, it's better I rewrite in this blog:

Von euer Eltern aus Deutschland! Alles Gute fur eueren gemeinsamen Lebensweg! Wunscht euch Oma&Opa.

Man hat das Boot (Man has a boat), Man hat die Segel (Man has a sail), Man wartet auf den Wind (Man is waiting for the wind). Wir wunschen Geduld beim warten (We wish patience for waiting), eine Feste Hand am Ruder wenn es sturmt (a strong hand on the padle, happiness wth the storm) und viel freunde wenn der Wind die segel blakt (and many friends when the wind blows the soil) und sich das Boot wie mukelos seinem tiel nakert (and the boat approach easily to the target). Ihre Tessendorf (Yours Tessendorf).

Lieber Bernd, Liebe Gana ... Wir wunschen euch von Herzen viel Gluck auf dem gemeinsamen lebensweg (Roberto, Silvano, Linda, Tanja und Sara).

Liebes Brautpaar (Dear Wedding couple), wir wunschen euch viele gluckliche Stunden (we wish you many happy hours) und alles Gute auf eurem gemeinsamen Lebensweg (and all the best for your united way of life). Veronika and Hermann.

ABC fur the Ehe (ABC for Wedding); Als erstes soll die Liebe steh'n (first should be love), Beide sollt ihr immer zueinander steh'n (Both should stand together), Charmant sollt ihr sein in eurer Ehe (Charming should be your married). Dann ... bleibt ihr glucklich, was auch geschehe (then you'll stay happy whatever will be happened). Waltraud&Hans.

Dear Bernd, dear Gana, congratulations to your wedding. I wish you all the best to your future. Hopefully it will be an unforgetable day for you and your friends. Thanks for your invitation and may be we can meet each other again soon, may be in Semarang. Terima kasih dan sampai jumpa. Fabian.

Saya menemukan kartu ucapan saat menikah di Jerman. Mulai dari keluarga Tessendorf, mertua, keluarga Henkel, keluarga Wagner dan lainnya. Agak berbeda dengan waktu menikah di Indonesia yang ramai dan meriah, pernikahan di Jerman agak khusus. Hanya keluarga dekat saja yang diundang. Masih ada tradisi seperti jaman dahulu ketika pengantin dihadiahi barang-barang kebutuhan berumah tangga. Saya dapat jarum dan kawan-kawan. Termasuk, amplop.

My Beloved Village

My lovely village, a favorite place ever.
There is a place where my parents stay.
I will never forget.
I miss you as always.

Desaku yang kucinta pujaan hatiku
Tempat ayah dan bunda dan handai tolanku
Tak mudah kulupakan, tak mudah bercerai
Selalu kurindukan desaku yang permai.

MY B Day

Ich bin Gaganawati Dyah Panca Harsanti oder Gana Stegmann
und war in 1.1.1976 geboren dann bin ich 31 Jahre alt.
Ich komme aus Indonesien aber jetzt wohne ich in Deutchland.
Ich habe kein beruf (nur Hausfrau). Das war eine schöne Zeiten als Radio Moderatorin und Lehrerin für viele Jahre in mein Heimat.
Vielleicht, ich habe Indonesia immer noch vermisst.,
Ich spreche Indonesisch, Javanisch, English und jetzt ein bisschen Deutch. Ich habe Franzosisch und Japanisch auch gelernt aber so lange nicht mehr geübt dann habe ich ja vergessen. Oh, nein!
Mein Hobby sind schreiben, mallen, tanzen, singen, spazieren gehen und einkaufen!

Na ja ... das bin ich.
Vorgestern, habe ich ein Geschenk von meiner Freundine; Monica, Kalaya und Pawinee. Danke schön!
Das rote Ohrringe gefällt mir sehr.
Ich wunsche mir Gesundheit und alles gute, für mich und alle.
Endlich, hat mein man ein Hause gekauft ... home sweet home!

Nama saya Gana Asli Indonesia tinggal di Jerman. Menjadi ibu rumah tangga adalah sebuah variasi hidup yang luar biasa. Saya pernah bekerja lama di kantor. Saat yang indah.

Dan keindahan di mana-mana itu sama, seperti halnya saat berulang tahun dan mendapat ucapan serta kado dari teman-teman. Sepasang anting-anting emas dengan bebatuan warna merah. Indah!

Chrismast Gift For Kelvin 2006

Ein Geburstag Geschenk von meiner Freundine (a Birthday Gift from my friends)
Ich heiss Gaganawati Dyah Panca Harsanti oder Gana Stegmann
und war in 1.1.1976 geboren dann bin ich 31 Jahre alt.
Ich komme aus Indonesien aber jetz wohne ich in Deutchland.
Ich habe kein beruf (nur hausefrau), dass ist auch gut wann ich war Radio Moderator und Lehrerin fur viele Jahren.
Vielleicht, ich muss pause zu hause haben!
Spreche ich Indonesisch, Javanisch, English und jetzt ein bissen Deutch. Ich habe Franzosisch und Japanisch gelernt aber habe vergessen.
Mein Hobby sind schreiben, mallen, tanzen, singen, spazieren gehen und einkaufen! Schluck!!

Na ja ... dass ist mich.
Vorgestern, habe ich ein Geschenk von meiner Freundine; Monica, Kalaya und Pawinee. Danke schoen!
Das rote Ohrringe gefarlicht mich.
Ich wunsche mir gesundheit und alles gute.
Mein man hat Hause kaufen, was noch?

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Monday December 25, 2006 - 12:38pm (CET) Edit | Delete | Permanent Link | 0 Comments

The biggest Christmas gift
That's papa's bicycle for Kelvin. He said the mix orange and blue in it is the best.
Oma covered it was like an elephant he said but Kelvin said was like a Pony!
He could not wait to open the cloth and see what is inside.
Simsalabim! He was happy to have it and try it immediately with the minus ten degree.
The Christmas without snow but still cold.
We gave gifts to friends who forgot us already.

Papa got Baden&Dusche gel set, toothbrush, ballpen, hemd and wein. Mama got Sony Cybershot 7,2 Megapixel in red color&pink pocket and chocolate. Chayenne got winter muse&syal in Lila's, orange strictjacket, toys and a doll. Opa got schlafanzug&hemd. Kelvin got bicycle, toys, books, atlas&laptop. Oma got a voucher!

White christmas la la la la la la ... it's not anymore ... (because no snow)

Masih ingat natal Kelvin. Hadiahnya, sebuah sepeda. Ketika dibungkus kain sprei, dia bilang "Pferd" kuda. Padahal itu adalah sebuah sepeda. Lalu dia menjerit, "Fahlad" maksudnya Fahrrad, sebutan untuk sepeda di Jerman. Suami menghadiahkan kamera warna merah, Sonny.  Hari yang menyenangkan meski tanpa salju putih.